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Fruit Bushes

Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss' (Late Season Raspberry)

Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss' (Late Season Raspberry)

A raspberry with short, slightly thorny stems and large, red fruit with a good flavour in autumn.

Raspberry 'Glen Ample' (Mid Season Raspberry)

Raspberry 'Glen Ample' (Mid Season Raspberry)

An early variety, producing masses of medium sized, tasty deep red Raspberries from early July to August. Canes are very vigrous and should be cut back to ground level after fruiting.

Raspberry 'Glen Carron' (Early/Mid Season Raspberry)

Raspberry 'Glen Carron' (Early/Mid Season Raspberry)

An early to mid season variety, producing large, glossy, bright red raspberries with a sweet taste and low acidity. Canes are very vigrous and spine free.

Raspberry 'Malling Juno' (Early Season Raspberry)

Raspberry 'Malling Juno' (Early Season Raspberry)

An upright, deciduous shrub with thornless canes bearing wrinkled, dark green leaves and greenish-white flowers in spring followed by globular to conical, edible, sweet, red fruit ready for harvest in early to midsummer.

Raspberry 'Octavia' (Late Season Raspberry)

Raspberry 'Octavia' (Late Season Raspberry)

A late season variety which fruits before the first of the autumn croppers, from mid July through to early August, Octavia produces an abundance of large fruits, all with an excellently sweet flavour.

Raspberry 'Tulameen' (Late Season Raspberry)

Raspberry 'Tulameen' (Late Season Raspberry)

Produces bright, glossy fruit that are resistant to wet weather. It starts producing fruit towards the end of July and continues into August. Heavy cropping.

Rhubarb 'Fulton's Strawberry Surprise'

Rhubarb 'Fulton's Strawberry Surprise'

A vigorous perennial with large, glossy, wrinkled, mid-green leaves and bright red, edible stems ready for harvest in mid-spring. Height 60cm (2ft), Spread 1.2m (4ft).

Rhubarb 'Timperley Early'

Rhubarb 'Timperley Early'

The earliest rhubarb variety, often ready as early as February outdoors. Very good for forcing but also good as an outdoor variety. Produces fairly long and thick, red based sticks with good flavour.

Rhubarb 'Victoria'

Rhubarb 'Victoria'

A clump-forming perennial with large, deeply cut red-purple leaves fading to green and large panicles of cerise flowers in summer.

Ribes nigrum 'Ben Connan' (Blackcurrant)

Ribes nigrum 'Ben Connan' (Blackcurrant)

A high yielding early culinary or dessert blackcurrant which produces a neat compact bush. Large, easy to pick berries. Good frost, pest and disease resistance and is very suitable as a garden variety.

Ribes nigrum 'Ben Sarek' (Blackcurrant)

Ribes nigrum 'Ben Sarek' (Blackcurrant)

A compact blackcurrant for culinary or dessert use. Mid-season black fruit grows from insignificant pale green flowers. Height & Spread 1.5m (5ft).

Ribes rubrum 'Blanka' (White Currant)

Ribes rubrum 'Blanka' (White Currant)

An upright, deciduous shrub with mid-green leaves and clusters of insignificant, yellow-green flowers in mid- to late spring followed by glossy, edible, ivory to pale apricot fruit ready for harvest in late summer.

Ribes rubrum 'Gloire de Sablons' (Pink Currant)

Ribes rubrum 'Gloire de Sablons' (Pink Currant)

A compact, upright, deciduous shrub with mid-green leaves and clusters of insignificant, yellow-green flowers in mid- to late spring followed by large, firm, translucent, pink, edible fruit ready for harvest in midsummer.

Ribes rubrum 'Junifer' (Red Currant)

Ribes rubrum 'Junifer' (Red Currant)

An upright, deciduous shrub with lobed, toothed, mid-green leaves and clusters of insignificant, yellow-green flowers in late spring followed by firm, translucent, glossy red, edible fruit ready for harvest in midsummer.

Ribes rubrum 'Rovada' (Redcurrant)

Ribes rubrum 'Rovada' (Redcurrant)

Pale greenish-yellow flowers in spring followed by large, juicy, bright red glossy currants borne on long strigs for easy picking. Very heavy cropping. Fruits in August.

Ribes uva-crispa 'Captivator' (Thornless Gooseberry)

Ribes uva-crispa 'Captivator' (Thornless Gooseberry)

A thornless, deciduous, fruit bearing shrub with green leaves in summer that turn red in autumn. It has white flowers in spring, and purple-pink, sweet, edible fruits that ripen from late spring into summer.

Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Red' (Gooseberry)

Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Red' (Gooseberry)

A vigorous, multi-stemmed, spiny, deciduous shrub with mid-green leaves and clusters of insignificant, yellow-green flowers in mid-spring followed by round, red, edible fruit ready for harvest in midsummer.

Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Yellow' (Gooseberry)

Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Yellow' (Gooseberry)

A multi-stemmed, spiny, deciduous shrub with green leaves turning yellow in autumn & insignificant, yellow-green flowers in spring followed by round, yellow to yellow-green fruit ready for harvest in early- to midsummer.

Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta' (Gooseberry)

Ribes uva-crispa 'Invicta' (Gooseberry)

A very popular green dessert gooseberry. Vigorous, heavy cropping and good disease resistance. Ready to be harvested from late May to July.

Rubus fruticosus 'Navaho Summerlong' (Blackberry)

Rubus fruticosus 'Navaho Summerlong' (Blackberry)

An erect, self-fertile, thornless blackberry with clusters of pink-white flowers followed by heavy crops of large, blue-black, firm, juicy, sweet blackberries over a long period in late summer. Height & Spread 1.5m (5ft).

Rubus fruticosus 'Oregon Thornless' (Blackberry)

Rubus fruticosus 'Oregon Thornless' (Blackberry)

A deciduous, spreading shrub with divided green leaves and long, thornless canes, white flowers in summer followed by dark blackberries in late summer. Height 2.5m (8ft), Spread 8m (26ft).

Rubus fruticosus x idaeus 'Buckingham' (Tayberry)

Rubus fruticosus x idaeus 'Buckingham' (Tayberry)

A cross between a blackberry and raspberry. Forms very vigorous, stout, thornless stems and high yields of large, purple and deliciously sweet aromatic berries in summer to autumn. Height 2.5m (8ft), Spread 50cm (1.5ft).

Rubus x loganobaccus 'LY 654' (Thornless Loganberry)

Rubus x loganobaccus 'LY 654' (Thornless Loganberry)

A scrambling, deciduous shrub with arching, thornless canes, white flowers in summer, and long, conical, dark red, edible fruit from midsummer until early autumn. Height 2m (6ft), Spread 1.5m (5ft).

Strawberry 'Cambridge Favourite'

Strawberry 'Cambridge Favourite'

A perennial with white flowers in spring, producing large numbers of edible, soft red strawberries in mid-summer. This variety is a traditional British favourite. Height & Spread 50cm (1.5ft).

Strawberry 'Elsanta'

Strawberry 'Elsanta'

A stoloniferous perennial with palmate, toothed, wrinkled, mid-green leaves and white flowers in late spring followed by large, glossy, firm, bright orange-red fruit ready for harvest in early to midsummer.

Strawberry 'Fenella'

Strawberry 'Fenella'

A compact, upright, stoloniferous perennial with palmate, toothed, wrinkled, mid-green leaves and white flowers in late spring followed by conical, blunt, bright orange-red fruit ready for harvest in midsummer.

Strawberry 'Red Gauntlet'

Strawberry 'Red Gauntlet'

A compact, mound-forming, stoloniferous perennial with green leaves and white flowers from spring to early summer followed by small, glossy, conical, edible, red fruit ready for harvest in early summer.

Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade' (Blueberry)

Vaccinium 'Pink Lemonade' (Blueberry)

A vigorous, upright, deciduous shrub bearing dark green leaves, turning yellow and orange-red in autumn, and, in spring, pale pink flowers followed by edible, pink fruit ready for harvest in late spring or early summer.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluecrop' (Blueberry)

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Bluecrop' (Blueberry)

Vigorous mid season variety, very open and erect habit. High yielding, good flavoured fruit. Requires moist acid soil or grow in containers. Superb autumn foliage.
Height & Spread 1m (3ft).

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Chandler' (Highbush Blueberry)

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Chandler' (Highbush Blueberry)

An upright, deciduous shrub with mid-green leaves turning yellow or red in autumn, attractive white flowers in spring and early fruiting blueberries with a white bloom in summer. This variety produces very large berries.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Liberty' (Highbush Blueberry)

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Liberty' (Highbush Blueberry)

An upright, deciduous shrub with lance-shaped, mid-green leaves that turn yellow or red in autumn, attractive white flowers in spring and late fruiting, sky-blue blueberries with an outstanding flavour.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Northland' (Blueberry)

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Northland' (Blueberry)

An upright, deciduous shrub with lance-shaped, mid-green leaves turning orange in autumn, attractive white flowers in spring and early fruiting blueberries with a white bloom in summer. Height & Spread 1m (3ft).

Vitis 'Phönix' (Grape)

Vitis 'Phönix' (Grape)

A hardy, vigorous, woody, deciduous vine with dark grey-green leaves turning orange or red in autumn & fragrant, green-white flowers in early summer followed by clusters of large, edible yellow to yellow-green fruit.

Vitis vinifera 'Dornfelder' (Grape)

Vitis vinifera 'Dornfelder' (Grape)

A hardy, vigorous, deciduous vine with mid-green leaves turning yellow, orange or red in autumn & clusters of large, edible, purple-blue grapes ready for harvest in early to mid-autumn. Height 15m (49ft), Spread 4m (13ft).

Vitis vinifera 'Lakemont' (Grape Vine)

Vitis vinifera 'Lakemont' (Grape Vine)

A climbing vine that produces large bunches of yellow grapes with a muscat flavour. They are ready to harvest in early autumn. Height 2.5m (8ft), Spread 3m (10ft).

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